Monday, December 8, 2008

Letter to a saint

It is hard to believe that you were taken from us 3 years ago. We all miss you so very much. I think that you would like the changes that your death has brought about. People are not as scared because of you. More people now know about the evils that were happening in South America. You gave people hope. It was by far your greatest and unfortunately your last one to us. I know your in a better place. That your looking down on us and smiling the way only you can. I hope we are making you proud by our own actions. None of us will ever be you, but we can try to show the world a better way. Your way. December 10th you are getting an award. I know you do not care for such things but it means a lot to the rest of us. We all strive to have your name live on, your message live on and your hope for human rights live on. I try to talk about you everyday. I know that your story will touch people as it has touch us. I love you, Aunt Dorothy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Makes me miss home

You Know You're From Louisiana When...

The crawfish mounds in your front yard have over taken the grass.

You greet people with "Howzyamomma'an'dem?" and hear back "Dey fine!"

Every so often, you have waterfront property.

When giving directions you use words like "uptown," "downtown," "backatown," "riverside," "lakeside," "other side of the bayou" or "other side of the levee."

When you refer to a geographical location "way up North," you are referring to places like Shreveport, Little Rock or Memphis, "where it gets real cold."

You've ever had Community Coffee.

You can pronounce Tchoupitoulas but can't spell it.

You don't worry when you see ships riding higher in the river than the top of your house.

You judge a po-boy by the number of napkins used.

The waitress at your local sandwich shop tells you a fried oyster po-boy "dressed" is healthier than a Caesar salad.

You can eat Popeye's, Haydel's and Zapp's for lunch and wash it down with Barq's and several Abitas, without losing it all on your stoop.

The four seasons in your year are: crawfish, shrimp, crab, and King Cake.

You "wrench" your hands in the sink with an onion bar to get the crawfish smell off.

You don't learn until high school that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday.

You believe that purple, green and gold look good together.

Your last name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled.

You know what a nutria rat is but you still pick it to represent your baseball team.

You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs.

You describe a color as "K & B Purple."

You like your rice and politics dirty.

You pronounce the largest city in the state as "Nawlins."

You know those big roaches can fly, but you're able to sleep at night anyway.

You assume everyone has mosquito swarms in their backyard.

You realize the rainforest is less humid than Louisiana.

You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron...

You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window...

When out of town, you stop and ask someone where there is a drive-through Daiquiri place, and they look at you like you have three heads.

You have flood insurance.

Your burial plot is six feet over rather than six feet under.

You consider a Bloody Mary a light breakfast.

You push little old ladies out of the way to catch Mardi Gras throws.

You leave a parade with footprints on the top of your hands.

You have a parade ladder in your shed.

Your first sentence was "Throw me something mistah" and your first drink was from a go-cup.

You worry about a deceased family member returning in spring floods.

You reply to anything and everything about life here with "Only in Nahlins".

You have a monogrammed go-cup.

You get on a bus marked "Cemeteries" and don’t think twice.

You shake out your shoes before putting them on.

Your sunglasses fog up when you step outside.

No matter where else you go in the world, you are always disappointed in the food.

You get up in the morning and start cooking a pot of rice before you give any thought to what you'll fix for dinner.

You ask, "How dey running?" and "Are dey fat?" when you're inquiring about seafood quality. When a hurricane is imminent

When it starts to rain, you cover your beer instead of your head.

You call tomato sauce "red gravy."

You eat sno-balls instead of throwing them.

Your house payment is less than your air conditioning bill.

Your grandparents are called "Maw Maw" and "Paw Paw."

You fall asleep to the soothing sounds of four box fans.

No one eats healthy. Fried Batter is actually a menu item in some restaurants

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some things to know for the holidays

If you want to survive, read this book


I love the term reality. It has some many different meanings and cogitations associated with it. My case in point is a story from Japan. It is a place of great honor and civility. In helping keep this tradition a story comes to us of a woman who was divorced for no reason given. So, what does one do when this happens? Well, in this woman’s case she killed her husband in a fit of anger. “So, what?” you may say. This kind of thing happens all the time. How should we punish this woman? Do we do the same thing we do every time this happens? Throw her in jail and lose the key? Well sound ideas for this reality but that if it was not this reality. What if the real kicker is she did it in an online game to someone she never even met before. This is the fun of reality. So, what do? In this reality she is a murder, in the other reality, just taking revenge. Now, I am in no way trying to say the two worlds are the same. My question is with everyone going online and virtual realities becoming people’s true world, what happens when the realities blur? What happens when people cannot tell one reality from the other? They get confused and act the way they would in another reality. I am not talking about average person that goes online. What I am talking about the people who have issues in this reality and go to the other one to escape. This woman got mad and killed a virtual person. When the next time happens will it be a real person? It is something to think about. I do not have the answers. Hell, it may not even be a big deal but with the way the world is going and the problems people have what to say it won’t get worse. Then what happens to your reality?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Respect for Education

Do you ever wonder how people are a certain way? I mean, do you find yourself sitting in a meeting or classroom wondering how a person made it this far in life? Alive? I ask this because I find myself trying to figure out how people got so damn stupid. I am not talking retarded, or special ed i mean how come people do not know the basic aspect of life? Everyday, i go to school wondering what simple questions people can not answer. I think we have all fucked up. Long time ago, people felt a since of pride going to college and wanted to do good to show they earned it. Now, I feel people feel its their right to go to college. I do not think so. You have a right to breath and eat. After that, you need to earn what life gives you. This is the problem I see, people do not have the respect for the gift of education. The just assume it is something they should have because their families worked hard in school and made something of themselves. I just feel we need to show kids that they need to be thank full they are born in a time where everyone gets the opportunity to go to college. Less then a century ago these same kids would be working a field or a factory with the life expectancy of 30 years. Schools in this country are not the greatest I know this but that's a different topic. If the youth of this country would realize the scarifies these land has made for them I think they would feel shame. Shame of not appreciating their "rights". If this would happen I know education could change because students would demand it. In the end you would not have to wonder how a person made it these far it life, you would know they earned it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

In the Beginning

So, this is the beginning. Normally people tell you where they came from and what the point of their blog is. Me, I could care less. This is just for anything that is out there that needs to be talked about. Anything from movies, religion, comic books, politics, books, home ownership, space aliens, Bruce Campbell, ’70 porn, education, zombies or anything else I’m thinking about. I do make one promise that I will never stop doing with this blog; have a lot of spelling errors. At least I am honest about it. So, with that in mind let’s begin.